ACJ Health Coaching

Caregiver Connection Group with Abby Coles-Johnson

Abby Coles-Johnson

Caregiver Connection Group
CAREGIVER CONNECTION GROUP is an 8-session, 3 month experience designed to provide a safe open space for caregivers to receive connection, grounding body work, and intention setting practice. We transform isolated, overwhelmed caregivers into connected, energized caregivers.
  • 15-minute social time with light refreshments 
  • Intro prayer or a mindful moment
  • A mind-body grounding activity
  • A brief session topic introduction
  • Wheel of Life/Health review
  • Guided reflection time
  • Intention and goal setting
  • Group goal review
  • Prayer requests or One ask, one give sharing time
  • Affirmations
  • Closing recitation
  • Love (Community and Connection)
  • Provision (Nutrition)
  • Strength (Strength) 
  • Peace (Sleep and Rest)
  • Joy (Mental Health)
  • Fun (Heart Health)
  • Wisdom (Bone Health)
  • Openness (Flexibility and Mobility)
  • Prosper (Balance)
The first week’s topic will always be Love to affirm and ground us in community. The last topic is always Prosper and will include a celebration of successes. Topics will be chosen by participants.
The cost for the group is $3000 for an 8-session group of 6-8 people. 
  • Sessions 1-3 meet weekly to establish connection, sessions 4-8 meet bi-weekly.
  • Participants will receive weekly goal check-ins and personal coaching.
  • Sponsoring organizations will receive a summary of the group’s shared successes and objective measures of group outcomes from first to last session.

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