Resiliency Group Connection
The ability to bounce back is resiliency. Life gives us plenty of obstacles to overcome, troubles to go through, wounds to heal, and hardships to process. Learning how to bounce back incorporates a set of tools, actions, skills, and perceptions that will help you increase your abilities to keep moving through the tough times.
Resiliency isn't a trait that only some people have. Instead, resiliency is a set of behaviors, thoughts, and actions that can be developed in anyone (McDonald, et. al, 2012). In this group session, we'll investigate Mastering Attention, The Power of Thoughts, Motivation, and Effective Coping. We'll learn how personality, adversity, positive adaption, life experiences, genetics, and social support affect our resilience.
Resiliency isn't a trait that only some people have. Instead, resiliency is a set of behaviors, thoughts, and actions that can be developed in anyone (McDonald, et. al, 2012). In this group session, we'll investigate Mastering Attention, The Power of Thoughts, Motivation, and Effective Coping. We'll learn how personality, adversity, positive adaption, life experiences, genetics, and social support affect our resilience.
180 minutes
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