Mystic Miracle Package - $3333 with The Synergistic Mystics

Mystic Miracle Package - $3333

Experience Instant Transformation: Your Manifest Accelerator Session Awaits!

Prepare to embark on a journey of unparalleled speed and efficiency towards your dreams with our  Manifest Accelerator Session. 

Ali and Shawn, your guides in this transformative adventure, are ready to propel you from your current state directly to the life you've envisioned—at warp speed.

Here's what makes this session a game-changer:
Instant Energy Scan by Ali: Ali possesses the unique ability to swiftly identify the primary glitch in your energy field—the one obstacle that's been holding you back, causing endless cycles of frustration and stagnation with your aspirations.

Powerful Frequency Shift: Not only will the outdated frequencies be cleared, but your energy will also be reprogrammed to align perfectly with your dreams, setting the stage for rapid manifestation. (Warning: Be prepared, as results can manifest in minutes!)

3 - 60 Minute Sessions in 14 Days With Text Connection & Spiritual Concierge
60 minutes
USD 1,111.00
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