ACJ Health Coaching

Abby Coles-Johnson

Kansas City, Missouri, United States of America
100+ Coaching Hours
3+ yr(s) Coaching Experience
20+ yr(s) Work Experience

PT, Certified Health Coach

Healthy Caregivers Heal the World! At Climb On Caregiver Coaching we offer personal and group health coaching with a focus on family and professional caregivers.

Group Coaching, Health Coaching

I am a caregiver by nature and have used my gifts in support of family, friends, my church community, in 20 years as a PT, and now as a certified health coach. At Climb On Caregiver Coaching, I re-energize caregivers by providing accessible health coaching that combines positive community building, intention setting, and accountability. I aim to energize caregivers so they can feel their best!

Coaching Credentials

Certified Health Coach-National Society of Health Coaches
My Focus Areas include
Communication, Health, Personal Effectiveness

My clients work in the following industries
Health Care, Humanitarian and Public Service, Not for Profit

My Clients

"Working with Abby has made my fitness dreams come true! When I began Abby's coaching program, I could only run 6 minutes at a time. Now, I regularly run 5K races that feel easy and fun! ...Abby helps with goal setting, overcoming obstacles, preparing for problems, and measuring results...Abby is incredibly encouraging and is an active listener. She leads with positivity and inclusion. Abby understands that everyone's journey is unique and special, and her customized plans tailor to your specific goals ...Working out has become fun and interesting instead of a chore that I dread." -Lynn Gorsuch, 1:1 coaching client

"I feel energized and hopeful at the end of my journey through the Caregiver Connection Group. I feel fortunate to have had the opportunity to look within myself and next to me to learn and grow alongside a group of caregivers."-Kate Bayer, Caregiver Connection Group client

"Thankful for a safe space to share our struggles and frustrations. Forming bonds of support was a big perk. Meetings gave me the space to have quiet reflective time that was much needed." -Mollie Blackburn, Caregiver Connection Group client


Masters Degree in Physical Therapy from University of Missouri-Columbia
Certified Health Coach since 2021

Professional Experience

Physical Therapist for 20 years with well-rounded experience in various settings: outpatient rehab, acute care, skilled nursing, and home health.

I enjoy working with all ages, specializing in care of older adults in skilled nursing and home health settings.

I have been practicing Health coaching with one-on-one clients since 2021 and added group coaching in 2024. 

Interested in booking a session or learning more?

A Discovery Session (FREE)

CLIMB Program for Caregivers

Caregiver Connection Group

Coaching Session (for existing clients)

Quick Check-in (for existing clients)

Speaking Engagements